Massachusetts Contest Info
This year, 认识到自2019冠状病毒病大流行高峰以来参与人数的增长, we will be holding three regional contests again this March! 在这一页你会发现比赛日期和截止日期, regional assignments, 每所学校的学生注册上限, and more.
我们的2024年马萨诸塞州地区比赛已经结束:祝贺我们所有的学生参与者! 下一轮是MA州赛
Saturday, April 6th:
Massachusetts State Competition: 温彻斯特高中(80 Skillings路,温彻斯特,马萨诸塞州01890). 比赛协调员:Kate Melchior,
- MA国家网站和文件锁定日期: Wednesday March 27th, 11:59 PM. 所有网站和论文必须在截止日期前上传到注册门户网站. 展品、表演和纪录片在比赛当天截止.
- Registration Portal: 学生和老师已经被提升到国家比赛,不需要再次注册!
State Contest: How to Sign Up
一旦您收到电子邮件确认您的项目已被提升, 使用地区赛的用户名和密码登录您的个人资料, answer the permissions questions, 并确认您的个人资料中的信息是正确的. 如果您没有收到一封电子邮件,其中包含注册州竞赛的链接 Thursday, March 14th, please email us at
Please check all of the following:
完成这些任务的注册截止日期已到 Wednesday, March 27th at 11:59 PM.
如果您不打算参加各州,请尽快发电子邮件至 and let us know! 这将允许我们通知荣誉奖项目在你的类别,并给他们竞争的机会.
In-Person Interviews Required
To be eligible to compete, 学生必须亲自参加比赛,并完成与评委的面试. 如果学生因医疗或宗教原因无法参加我们的任何现场比赛, 请与国家协调员og体育官网, Kate Melchior, at no later than March 27th, 2024 to request a virtual interview.
Registration Fees
我们希望尽可能减少或消除参加比赛的障碍. 感谢马萨诸塞州联邦的支持, we have reduced registration fees again this year to $10/student for the Regional Competitions and $10/student for the State Competition; we will also offer registration fee waivers 对于通过在链接中填写表格提出要求的学生.
Travel Assistance
需要我帮忙去参加州赛? Please get in touch! 我们准备提供公共汽车津贴,以支付前往地区和州比赛的交通费用,并根据要求提供其他住宿. Please email us at for more information.
Project Deadlines:
Project Category | Materials | Due Date | How to Submit |
Websites | Website site key or URL | Wednesday, March 27th @ 11:59 PM | 在截止日期前将所有更改保存到网站. |
Papers | 所有文件(标题页,流程文件,论文,带注释的号码布) | Wednesday, March 27th @ 11:59 PM | 上传PDF文件到学生注册账号(标题页、论文、论文、带注释的号码布). 只有当你在地区赛和州赛之间修改论文时才有必要. |
Documentaries | 视频链接(确保视频链接可以被评委播放) | April 6th, 8:00 AM (Contest Day) | 保存链接到学生注册帐户 |
Exhibits |
No materials uploaded in advance |
Not applicable | Not applicable |
Performance | No materials uploaded in advance | Not applicable | Not applicable |
随着比赛日期的临近,有关比赛当天的更多信息将通过电子邮件发送给您. 同时,请与比赛协调员Kate Melchiorog体育官网 with questions. 你也可以在3月6日、20日、27日和4月3日参加我们的虚拟聊天
Day of the Contest
Project Category | Arrival Time | What to Bring | |
Exhibits |
在早上8点到8点半之间登记并布置好你的展览桌. You must set up your own exhibit; a teacher or guardian can’t set it up for you. |
Please bring your exhibit and all associated materials; and three printed copies of your written materials (title page, process paper, annotated bibliography). 你将不能在比赛中打印! |
Performance | 至少在指定裁判时间前20分钟检票 | Please bring any props, scenery, or costumes you need for your performance; and three printed copies of your written materials (title page, process paper, annotated bibliography). 你将不能在比赛中打印! |
National Contest
全国比赛将于 2024年6月9日星期日至2024年6月13日星期四 马里兰大学帕克分校.